Fr. Brett Brannen Apps

Wake Up to The Creed 1.2
Wake up to the Nicene Creed every morning!During the Year of Faith in 2012-13, the HolyFather Pope Benedict XVI recommended that every Catholic pray theNicene Creed daily. TheNicene Creed was formally established at the Council of Nicea in AD325. For nearly 1700years, Catholic Christians have lived and died for these powerfulwords!We pray the Creed together every Sunday at Mass, and now you canmake it part of your dailyprayer life. This app includes:- An alarm clock with beautiful chiming bells- Several reverent readings of the Creed – follow along, or simplylisten and enjoy- Readings with or without background music- English, Spanish, French, Polish and even Latin!Start your day with the profession of your Catholic faith,before your feet ever hit the floor! “Ibelieve in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven andearth…”